Thursday, November 26, 2015

la reine des neiges


It is getting colder obviously. I had to take out a thick jacket I bought on the other day looking forward to this day. I love winter. Winter is much better than Summer. You can wear more clothes when it’s cold, but you can’t take them off more when it’s hot. And Winter reminds me of a cozy heated chamber with a box of mandarin oranges and oh yeah a waist height sized christmas tree in the corner.

I also love snow. I heard that if you close your eyes in a calm forest you can hear the sound of it. How romantic!
In Busan(the southern part of south korea), it is rare to see them. They are perceived a lucky day during winter. So when I was young I used to put a snow man in the freezer to keep them forever. Unfortunately, he could not live off for a long time.

Therefore, I am planning to travel to northern area during this vacation. I am going to bring bean powder to taste the snow like this.
This is one of the well-known dessert in Korea. Once people tasted this, its chain stores spread out like the cockroaches. (I would be happy to hear the news regarding successful FDI in Japan for the upcoming years)

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